Innovation Day Black Lightning 400

For this year’s innovation day, the grade 8 class made a functional and comfortable sled for elementary school children. Our sled was The Black Lightning 400, our sled was built with all 6 different simple machines. The class attempted to create a sled that included all the simple machines. This was what our final sled Read More…

Notre projet sur notre propre commerce

A la fin d’une unité de travail sur la mode et les jeunes, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de faire un projet. Nous avions deux choix de sujet et elle nous a aussi donné le choix de travailler avec un partenaire ce qui est TRÈS rare dans son cours de français Moi j’ai choisi le Read More…

Smart Goals

My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are… Learn 30 new French words by the end of December 2023.  Pay more attention during French class. Practice more French words using Duolingo Watch shows/movies in French with English subtitles Build stamina for ongoing math practice and homework in preparation Read More…

Pirkei Avot Playlist

In Jewish Studies class, we went through chapter two of Pirkei Avot. Mr. Wash tasked us to pick songs that related to the verse of our choosing and explain why we choose it. This is mine. Verse 7: “He also saw a skull floating upon the water. Said he to it: Because you drowned others, Read More…

Innovation Day Reflection

Last month in Mr. Rays class we were assigned to make a water filter for innovation  day using materials found around the makerspace. My partner was Sacha. Sacha and I started out by doing experiments with different water filters, after we were done testing all the filters we decided to use the best ones. I Read More…

Le Guépard French Project

Pour terminer notre unité au sujet des animaux sauvages, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de faire une recherche sur un animal de notre choix. Après avoir choisi mon sujet “le Guépard”, j’ai recherché de l’information et préparé une présentation sur CANVA. Ce que j’ai appris de plus intéressant sur le Guépard c’est que… Les guépards Read More…

Jewish Values Project

  For this project  my partner and I made a google slide about Jewish Values. In this project we needed to explain why we chose the values that we did. The thing that I learnt while doing this project was the importance of forgivness. This is my slide show. The End