Pirkei Avot Playlist

In Jewish Studies class, we went through chapter two of Pirkei Avot.

Mr. Wash tasked us to pick songs that related to the verse of our choosing and explain why we choose it.

This is mine.

Verse 7: “He also saw a skull floating upon the water. Said he to it: Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and those who drowned you, will themselves be drowned” (Avot 2:7). 


The main idea of this verse is that our actions have consequences. This verse relates to the concept of karma. A person can experience good karma or bad karma. For example, if you give a homeless person a million dollars, it could lead to something better happening in your own life. The contrast of this concept is explained in this verse. If you do something evil, you will also experience a negative outcome. The song I choose for verse 7 was “Godzilla” by Eminem. I selected this song because it states, “What goes around comes around” (Eminem). It’s saying that when you do something bad it will come back at you and that is called Karma. This song reflects the overall lesson from the verse. 


Verse 3: “Be careful with people in power, because they befriend a person only for their own needs. They seem to be friends when they benefit, but they won’t stand by someone in their time of need’ (Avot 2:3).


The main idea of this verse is that you shouldn’t always trust someone you think is your friend. A person can be used by someone they thought was their friend in the worst of times. The song I choose for verse 3 was “Fake Friends” by Joan Jett. I selected this song because it states, “When you were down, they were never there

When you’re all alone, you really get to learn

If you get back up, they gonna come around” (Jett). It’s saying that when she was down her “friends” weren’t there for her when she needed it. This song reflects the overall lesson from the verse.


Verse5: “Don’t say something that can’t be understood right away” (Avot 2:5).


The main idea of this verse is that you should think before you talk. If you don’t think before you talk you might say something you didn’t mean to and it can go bad. The song I choose for verse 5 was “Think Before I Talk” by Astrid S. I selected this song because she says the words “So maybe I should think before, maybe next time, I’ll think before I talk” (Smeplass). It’s saying that she regrets not thinking before she talked and her words just coming out without meaning.

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